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tv   [untitled]    November 28, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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police crackdown on the qana protests and suppressing the president to abandon his call grabbing decree all leave as demos are starting to look like a rerun of the revolution. palestinians are saying they'll go to the international criminal court to if it's confirmed they read it yes that out of prague what's the point and i hope staters upgrades at the u.n. will help. and the terrorism evolves draws up plans to contain homegrown let me grab the goals operating and cells to the ways of the european union.
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at six pm here in moscow you're watching r t a live go with me to mom one day egyptian police fired tear gas protesters amassed into the square but still the demonstrations against what is being seen as a dictator like paul grabbed by the president show no sign of ending over one hundred thousand people are calling on mohamed morsi to leave after he gave himself a floor beyond the reach of the courts archies tom barton is in cairo. here in the streets of central cairo the sights the sounds and the smells of protest and of civil disorder are very loud and very clear tucker a square is just over there and a large crowd of protesters are fooling stones at the police who are giving just as much back picking up stones themselves and firing back along with them as vans firing gas canisters into the crowds the stench of to gas is thick in the air the
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police a protest as everyone alike is as there isn't noses who are actually in the militia take gas there's more to of course tales trying through the air as well all the pavements have been ripped up as have some of the branches of the trees it's a real street being done on the. night into today these people absolutely determined the crowds of protesters the mohamad mercy was totally wrong to make that declaration that he didn't want to do so sweeping was last tuesday they weren't completely missing. the relation. of tahrir square. we will have to leave that mohamed morsi guy making the moccasins is going to be a five star within five five months and since he had more sense starting to run runs this country i have to use despoja i'm collecting all of the poems this
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country to be on his side a lot of these people don't want the morsi as the president was now of course what i think of as just the first week i think this probably already making that possible support of all the how much morsi for his part has said that he does not want to become a dictator he wants compromise he's trying to work with the judges and he wants to make sure egypt gets a proper constitution however people here seem. buying that judges themselves have gone on strike they've been protests in cities around the agents and these have been the scenes with protests some protestors having reports of many more having been injured we've seen both police and protesters being carried back by their comrades having been wounded by flying stones and choking on and on to gas the situation here immensely tense but this is really not just
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a constitutional crisis that it was not the one of the political crisis the last lucy could do something. serious about giving up these was trying to take the time to. mubarak has been these protests seem likely to go on and on. egypt's supreme constitutional court has accused of targeting it specifically. editor of the arab newspaper says the president is putting himself above the law and compared his behavior to fascism. this. divided egypt and even bought a. civil war unfortunately this president is doing the very same things for which. before the. dictatorship this is what we are looking at now the egyptian people
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are saying no to that you. are looking at this crowd you cannot tell who is muslim or christian who is liberal leftist this is the real people are saying no to religious fascism making the president above the law the president and the muslim brotherhood behind him have already lost their credibility they have promised so many things in the past never kept their promises that's why most of these people in the streets they were talking about over a million up to now because they are not happy with. you can share your opinion on what's going on in egypt and what it will eventually be costing a vote at all to you dr here's how the votes are lining up so little over a third of those who voted believe morsi will cancel his new laws in order to stay
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in power twenty eight percent think further instability would lead to an intervention by western powers like in libya almost as many say this the servants will see the military and allies of its president mubarak return to power but only six percent say morsi will resign and new elections will take place vote now at out dot com. the division president and where he's taking the country is the focus of debate on peter lavelle's cross talk show coming up next oh you're not. because you're overstatement to conclude. i think he's defending the revolution the reason he had to arc is the judicial council is going to overturn and block the constitution and prevent it from being finalized and i think the white house is going to give them a little s'posed it's not pretty but i dispute that idea that always in history
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temporary powers become permanent powers the general rhetoric back a morsi is always a little more time a little more time and that is well let's consider that. since last year the brotherhood they've had powers and they've been in parliament and we've seen how they reacted to every single crisis the police is brutal brutal as ever he is currently targeting. the public prosecutor so in my opinion that that is just a takeover. the united nations is preparing to divert on whether palestine should receive a member of deserve a status at the organization if proved it would mean international recognition of the palestinian state and give it additional powers like taking issues to the international criminal court and participating injured u.n. general assembly debate france has already said it will vote in favor of the bit
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the u.k. is also reportedly leaning towards backing the resolution while the u.s. is strongly opposed but on the palestinian plan i'm joined live now by deb she's a spokesperson for the palestine and national authority thank you for being here and the bit of follows a failed attempt in twenty eleven by mahmoud abbas to join the u.n. as a full member state why do you think this drive will be much more successful. well unfortunately our application for full membership in two thousand and eleven did not come through because the security council failed to reach an agreement affording palestine its rightful place in the united nations as a full member in accordance with international law this time around we are going to the. much larger body of the united nations system a body where democracy is practiced and where every country casts its vote and
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hopefully will reflect the preservation of the international public that also overwhelmingly supports palestine's right to statehood and freedom were very optimistic. and certain that the vote would be that the resolution would be adopted and that palestine. observer status at the united nations following the twenty ninth of november should this go the way you say you hope it will go will you push for recognition if the united nations approved this nonmember state. well after our application for a full membership is still standing it has not been cancelled it has not been rejected and there are many other cases in previous years and decades where full fledged states that are not under occupation as palestine as it took them several months and several attempts to acquire full membership that doesn't really bother
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us but we are optimistic about is that an overwhelming majority of the international community now stands ready to support our just our peaceful step towards recognition a step that will advance the peace agenda that palestine has committed to itself to for over twenty years and a step that will create the necessary positive momentum to in shrine the two state formula the two state solution that israeli actions on the ground are endangering but is this the right time to seek recognition for the bit with palestine's literally divided between hamas and fatah isn't it better to just reconcile those sides first. well there isn't a better time to take this step the now after israel's recent most recent assault on the gaza strip all palestinian factions have reached an agreement that this could this should never happen again one palestinians are divided there is you know a new energy among the palestinian political system in its entirety how months
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islamic jihad all palestinian factions support this and wanted to succeed and they realize that they agree amongst one another that the priority domestic priority now is for rebuilding and for reinvigorating the democratic institutions of palestine consolidating this reconciliation and moving forward as the state of palestine towards steps on the ground that would reverse the israeli occupation and entrench independence i'm running short on time but i quickly just want to ask you palestine palestinian officials are threatening to appeal to the international criminal court if it's proven that the laid that out of what was killed will this appeal be successful without the recognition from the un. well it's not a threat saying that our country will seek redress in a multilateral forum in
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a forum that is in charge with respect thing and enforcing international law is not a threat it's a positive step having said that we will wait to see once our observer status is. approved by the general assembly what steps will advance our national cause what steps will advance our goal for freedom and independence palestine as it has been for several decades is a responsible actor in the international community it will not take any step without the collect the will and the collective support of the international community exactly the way we're doing it now as we enter this new phase in our struggle for freedom starting with the vote on the twenty ninth of november not a day government spokesperson at palestine national authority will be following this story very closely thank you for your time. syria hit by the latest terrorist strike doesn't stop just twenty car bomb attacks in the capital damascus
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and it fears away the western support for the rebels because for the civilian deaths. and all you sometimes afraid that what you say on twitter might not be appropriate not to worry because british policy will tell you buy new and maybe even jail useful in the report and cyber censorship coming up after the break. which was the same or different if you think it's. more revolutionary dictator in the making president mohamed morsi is presidential decree spreading your powers has reopened the debate about. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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the. parents versus social workers docu nabby pm last stop in any medium that many children have become prizes to fight full why does the law or threaten families of the social for if you see me in the frame of the right of the whole minimal me facing what they have any kind of for suspicion about the world being
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more fuel for your children are often a just better at bringing up kids than their own mom and dad in from what we have an industry that is so. concentrated form. of for trade children. admission free critic a should be free to store charges free. range mentioned free risk free studio time free. download free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media and on to r t dot com you. you're watching archie good to have you with us joe go venting your and go on twitter and facebook good number if you're a jail sentence courtesy of the british authorities there's
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a growing number of prosecutions resulting from offensive balkan civil even misunderstood place. reports from london. do you think before you tweet what if you're in a bad mood or you just have a controversial opinion would you post that as your facebook status you might think that what you type is insignificant considering the vast expanse of the internet think again for something that you type on here you could end up in. paul chambers two years ago the accountant worried that he might not be able to fly due to bad weather tweeted robin hood airport is closed you've got to weaken a bit to get your together otherwise i'm blowing the airport sky high arrested questioned for a tower as convicted and find the tweet lost him his job and cost him thousands in lawyers fees chambers case branded the twisted trial true such widespread condemnation that it was eventually overturned by the high court nineteen year old
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linford house posted a photograph of a burning paper puppy on his facebook page a symbol of remembrance for the soldiers that die in war arrested questioned and held for twenty four hours before being released on bail and we're very worried about people being taken to court for essentially having a fit of bad temper and saying things in an intemperate way i think that's wrong because people start to look over their shoulders and wonder whether they're actually allowed to express the opinions that they're actually hold and also worried about the kind of people who are getting these convictions often they are people with political views. very bad thing when people start to be told that they can't say things because their political views are offending others the law used to convict most social media offenses was drafted before twitter and
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facebook were even conceived it was meant to protect individuals from being harassed or threatened over the telephone free speech advocates question how that relates to posting your opinion online the trouble is that when things are post on things like twitter and facebook is that they're there for all to see and for people to share and share the deadly becomes an element of mob rule and then pressure is put on the police forces to act on that rather than abiding to the legal system that we currently heard of teenager matthew woods found out all about more brule after making offensive tweets about a missing five year old girl an angry crowd gathered outside his house and he was arrested and sentenced to twelve weeks in jail but i don't think anyone ever expected political correctness to become a criminal law. if. it's somebody to me then i want to be rude i don't want the director for the police to get to come around in order . to free and grow up society. to use this tattle
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tale on each other the lawyer isn't quite sure how to respond to those wanting to test freedom of speech in the u.k. really goes the u.k. is director of public prosecutions has promised to draft new guidelines on how to respond to online offenses but campaigners say that it's not just guidelines but reform that urgently needed if the u.k. is to uphold its freedom of speech online ali boy r t cyberspace. in syria up to fifty four people have been killed and dozens injured by twin car bombings in a damascus suburb mostly populated by president assad support. for insight into the situation in syria i'm now joined live by our model. of the syrian social club a pro-government group pushing for reforms mistah violence is now almost daily in
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pro-us that areas of eastern damascus how concerned is the government now. well in terms of fearing for the government difficult to fall i don't think the government is really concerned much fearing for its supporters obviously or any serious it is and is the issue. of the destruction of the infrastructure of. this is deteriorating the state of the economy is the diffidently is the worry that is definitely on the syrian government's mind. this is this has been a while this seems to be very systematic we need to understand what happened today this is not the first time that this happens in this neighborhood there are two things this issues to fall there are two issues to consider first of all those neighborhoods and cities that are not willing to join up with this so-called revolution are being collectively punished as some of my friends from aleppo said. who saw the city or half of their city destroyed so for there is also the issue of
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ethnic cleansing. is an area where a lot of minority groups live in the. internet because people should not belong in the believer's. homeland so to speak so we are trying to push them to abandon those areas and. so this is quite serious what is happening at least now we are seeing for hearing anyone who is claiming that the regime is actually. some support so with all these different tactics being used would you say that these bomb attacks in the capital city normal civil war tactics that these car bombs. well as i said you know they have all sorts of objectives first of all obviously to give the illusion or to to give the sense of the feeling. to the government is not in control in the hope that people would start losing
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support we know that the theory has been from the very beginning that the people are afraid of the government and once they feel that the government strong grip is slipping they would immediately shift so it's obviously you can see it's yet to happen and people are still supporting or there is enough people in support of the government to prevented from falling so yes this is a civil war tactic in a sense now france decided to donate around one point five million dollars to the opposition syrian national coalition who does that either where this money ends up . well i would i would i would say that the money that is being announced to the public is going where it is and. where it is headed really or supposed to be heading you know france or britain or of these governments you know the operate under certain terms so in terms of transparency and accountability wouldn't cuts to public funds. expect that those one point five millions will go to the
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communication devices and so what worries us actually use the money that is not being announced some people say it's like hundreds of times some people say it's even thousands of times of the one point eight million it's the clan support it's the covert support of intelligence of satellite imaging imagery of the facilitation of weapons training on the ground so on and so forth that is worrying. and that is really playing fire because the groups of such support with these are actually groups that. usually. they form a lot of the democratically elected governments in france and britain before i let you go turkey and america are discussing deploying patriot missiles on the turkish border with syria i mean you know the feel the fear is that the conflict will spill over well that prevent further escalation i think it would do the contrary i actually agree with the with the russian estimate this is quite disturbing rising
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because what we have is that there are factions who are wanting the need to to intervene at any cost really and. we realize this we realize that you know those. units that are being deployed along the border can be attacked by any sort of small faction with the position of a mortar shell and this could actually escalate. a little bit more so i think it's quite destabilizing. thank you very much. member of the syrian social club joining us live from london thank you very much. of outcry from garner torturing al qaeda in syria the terror now facing france is much more sinister blending right into society and the cause of it our friends used to short of cash in opportunities are flocking to radical islam though as are the reports tracking homegrown terrorism as are proving easy. the recent national white police raid on radical islamist groups
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in france made headlines with a rasta made in all regions the youngest suspected terrorist was only nineteen but it was not the age which shocked so many little men that we discovered a network of seven additional people living primarily in paris strasburg and can all these people were born in france and are french nationals they are linked to the radical islamist movement police say the group was plotting at least twenty five terrorist attacks against jewish organizations and schools and age of twelve detainees were french natives who had converted to radical islam experts say this worrying trend is gathering pace as the financial crisis group's europe and many youth are finding themselves out of work if you go and you say you are excluded and the best way to change your life is to become immersed in it would not work with the majority of course but did the majority there need to have permanent fruits of
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people converting economic crisis deepening it probably creates more exclusion and so more people to requote in the midst in communities or to convert to. islam france is no stranger to combating radical islamist groups since the nineteen fifties it has been countering algerian iranian and lebanese terrorists and more recently al-qaeda but this is a totally different matter just like most of europe over the years france has grown very successful in reinforcing its borders and preventing most of the threat coming from abroad but with more and more homegrown radical organizations appearing on its soil tracking down possible terrorists with words would be very hard if not completely impossible security services believe for now the situation is under control as the conversion to radical islam is still relatively rare but no one can guaranteed stays this way and the number of violent incidents by french my. islams is already on the increase our secret service are really well experiments to fight
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this cancer terrorism and they are watching very carefully the. date of the most kids and all the people who are travelling. radical muslim countries but this doesn't mean that we will stay safe from any. security specialists claim many arab immigrants living in french suburbs have already had a taste of warfare taking part in different middle eastern conflict over the past decade as to what could happen if their experience in views are mixed with growing anger of needed french youth perhaps time will tell. r.t. reporting from paris in france or some other world news in brief now iran has a true upgrade it must be built like submarines and overhauled crafts it's the latest part of terrans efforts to improve its defense capabilities we have great has been made because it fears possible future attacks from the likes of israel all the us against its nuclear program it's now planning
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a major label drill. almost two hundred people have taken to the streets of chile's capital santiago to protest and new fishing protesters say the new legislation discriminates against independent fishermen be an authorized rally ended in skirmishes between demonstrators and police to disperse the protesters and arrested at least ten of them. deadly floods in panama have forced more than six thousand people out of their homes says hundreds of houses were buried under water some roads have been washed away by massive landslides downpours have eased off says choose day rivers overflowing their banks damaging bridges and buildings. coming up next to iraq up for sale our special report on those who left their morals at home. during the war.
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was his day starts at five am even earlier in the winter tending to his flock of story hundred sheep in the mountains and plains of t.v. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he dreamt of having studied accounting but he dition and familial duty dictated that he would take on the care of these animals after his father has just made camp at their winter farm stage setting up his uit the traditional two beanie and round tent made of diskin. his beastly back amongst his family as his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving streams of plus to minus forty degrees celsius just that i've missed them there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone my sister works with my mother i.


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